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Delay in period just to make it showing up on the new moon
FireEarthWaterAir Views: 6,435
Published: 16 y

Delay in period just to make it showing up on the new moon

Dear fellow former, current and future menstruators (and any males with a ratioal & emotional understanding of the issue reading this forum ),

I wonder if any of you can give me some clues to the following:

Since starting reading 1 year ago curezone my patchy health has improved significantly, I feel curezone has saved my life in a way. I have done some protocols, liver flushes, cleanses with always very good results. I am due to make a donation, althouth restored health is unpayable.

In line with the improvements, my periods became quite regular and nice flow of blood -not too much as often happened previously- and painless, arriving every 21-28 days.

But, this month things changed a little bit: I was getting worried to the point of thinking I was going through the menopause, as I had hot flushes (I am usually quite a cold in any season) and after more than 31 days my menses were still not showing signs -some months I get pre-menses discharges with bloody mucus excretions-. Now, just last Wednesday was New moon, and my period just arrived after 35 days of injustified (no pregnancy) absence. I had a quick look in curezone in order to interpret this coincidental delay with the new moon, and I have just learned in ayuverdic medicine it is actually good to have your menses on the new moon, so I am relieved at least the delay can have a positive menaing. I do have the feeling that my body was aware of the new moon coming and decided my ovaried to wait for it. My silly mind was complete unaware of it, until now.

I am just wondering if any of you can offer similar experiences and/or has found more info on moon/menses body self-synch or any other justification that might even contradict the one I am attributing it to.

Also, if someone can offer info on how to recognize menopause symptoms that will be much appreciated (from a accurate and reliable source).

Thanks for any input. Wishing you all a healthy and happy day,

ps - I was not trying hard to be pedantic with my first line, addressing all of you in that awkward way, but I am having a good day in health terms, so I am using my sense of humor to boost it even more...



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