Uxorious facts as politics--cauchy3
Uxorious facts as politics..
Con JA Men ESSIONS to crimes of 6-4-killings is such.
WUJANTO ESSOINS to crimes of peoples’ rights abused is such.
WEINKAPO ESSOINS to crimes of Taiwan rights abused is such.
Plaintiffs get a moral writing.
China bad to papers all are bills as gagged to orders.
Natures worked to just are means to call our facts.
Father hands uxorious all to mother lands are butts.
Every gear-s is gear up china powers.
China leaders geared up powers all are all presumptions.
Over bearing down to play are china leaders.
Masters tasks are powers downfall like the rainy storms.
Downers oaths are morals swear.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------