Re: no, herbgal, i blame the women 100% for the incorrect choices they make.
Wow. This post started out silly (in my mind anyway) and now it's gettin' all deep and shi-at. Unfortuantely the situation is bigger than what makes sense, it always is. What's easy in thought is not so easy to do, otherwise everyone would be sensible. It's easy so say what's sensible but turn the mirror, everyone has an area of life where they behave insensibly.
I agree that herbgal should stand on her own and get a better man. Herbgal - I love you sister, I do. I agree that you can get better because I hold your mind in high esteem and enjoy your personality.
I also have areas where I know more than my heart knows. I am blessed in that I somehow can handle men with a surreal degree of sensibility but I have fallen short with my dear sister. She is the one that had pulled the wool over my eyes, so to speak.
So yeah, all of this is easy to say but hard to do until we heal our own hearts (also easier to say than to do).