Re: Tired of Living
Stop consuming dairy products, and in one week, you will lose a gallon of mucus. You'll feel a lot better. Get an air purifyer. Drink half your body in
ounces of water every day. And get up a heartrate and work your body. My life almost mirrors yours and I am years younger. I have had three surgeries, one for the septum. Get a nosr spray with cortisone in it. Like the prescription kind.
I don't drink milk, and rarely have cheese. But when I do, I wheeze and sneeze all day. Get a new ENT, or better yet, go find a person that specializes in chinese medicine, and try some accupunture. I had the total loss of a sense of smell for about 8 years, after doing many of the above, I have had a sense of smell back in perfect contition for eight years also. I do have hay fever, but I take naturopathic drops under the tongue, and some OTC nose spray before I go to bed.
Moreover, stop feeling sorry for yourself and apply all of the above, and you will feel better.