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Re: Hi, could you please help me Dr.
knows Views: 1,018
Published: 16 y
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Re: Hi, could you please help me Dr.

Tough lesson to learn.

First, get your upper neck checked out at a good chiropractors office. Ask around, find a good one and get that done.

Second, the smoke has a direct affect on the brain (turns it to mush). Lets hope that's not what's going on here.

Third, get your body cleaned up. Follow the order of cleansing posted on this forum. I can tell you for sure your liver needs some work.

It's a waste of time going the medical way. What you DON'T need is more chemical poisoning via drug therapy.

Get to work, this isn't easy to do but it works. It'll take some time but you CAN get your life back.

By the end of the week I'll have my CD available right from my web site. You'll be able to download it right into your computer. I suggest you do so.

You've already lost too much of your life. Time to get it back.



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