America was founded on White Supremacy. edit
That was a long article and I doubt most read all of it but it clearly raises some important points.
This article is a total distortion of facts. It reads like a propaganda peace for illegal immigration .
It begins with concept that because somebody wrote in the declaration of Independence that all men are created equal,really that means equal before the law,white americans must surrender their country to whoever invades it. I think this is a form of Neuro Linquistic Programming.
The premise here is the fault of race relations is not the invasion and colonization of america by 60 million hispanics,(arranged by the NWO) not their high birth rates,high crime,lower intelligence but by white bigots in the populist patriot movement and brown bigots of laRaza.
Amazing this article assumes that if we get rid of the so called bigots ,the hispanics will join with the whites in a Utopian non racial society and will DEFEAT the NWO elites.
Amazingly again this article brings up the principle of hyper fertility. People who have more babies have babies who will want to have even more babies. The author does not give a solution but rambles on about Nazis and evil eugenics,then segues into the NWO orders goal of population reduction. Which is to be caused by a race war .
But if population reduction was their goal why are they bringing in to this country tens of millions of colonizers? It seems to me their goal is simply to destroy the middle class and create a slave class.
According to it White Americans must surrender to the invasion of aliens in order to defeat the NEW WORLD ORDER. Their culture and way of life must be destroyed in order to destroy the NWO. But the author never tells us how the destruction of white america will cause the NEW WORLD ORDER to be destroyed. It just assumes it will be by overcoming the "neo-tribalism of race distinctions".
If all this were true one would have to conclude that racism is the cause of the NWO not the concentration of money and power. And that class warfare really doesnt exist in homogeneous population.
That is quite an amazing theory,does anyone believe it? But certainly the blaming of racism for all societies problems instead of the NWO order is the New Propaganda of the Powers that Be.
Racism is irreconcilable with Americanism, which observes the rights of the individual within the parameters of natural law. Any movement seeking to restore America must logically reject racism. Otherwise, that movement is merely advocating some form of race-based socialism. Socialism, as history has irrefutably demonstrated, is an equal opportunity oppressor. An organization devoted to race-based socialism invariably promotes an ecumenical socialism. Such was the case with the Nazi Germany, which eventually oppressed its own citizens along with Jews. If racist elements continue to co-opt the Minutemen, then it will become a similar aberration.
There are two necessary courses of action that must be taken to remedy this problem. First, any good grass roots movement requires some periodic house cleaning. The Minutemen Project is no exception. Although Gilchrist and other luminaries within the movement claim that members are screened, the overwhelming evidence suggests that the present screening criteria is not stringent enough. For the issues of border integrity and national sovereignty to be clearly addressed, there must be absolutely no bigots or racists included in the debate. Such people equate national identity with race, confusing the real issues at hand. For all their flaws and ideological biases, the journalists of the Southern Poverty Law Center make a valid point:
The danger is not that immigration levels are debated by Americans, but that the debate is controlled by bigots and extremists whose views are anathema to the ideals on which this country was founded. (No pagination)
This point provides an excellent segue for discussing the second course of action needed. This course of action may not be readily accepted by the purveyors of populist pseudo-intellectualism that currently people the so-called "Patriot movement." Such individuals seem to be under the spell of the WASP mystique and parrot Patrick Buchanan's contention that America owes her greatness to Anglo-Saxon culture (a contention reminiscent of John Ruskin's race patriotism). Nonetheless, the second action is a vital step in winning the war against the power elite and restoring America as a constitutional republic. There must be an enormous cultural paradigm shift. America must finally overcome the neo-tribalism of race distinctions. Otherwise, the vision of Americanism cannot be realized. After all, the axiomatic values of human liberty and dignity are irreconcilable with racial hierarchies and caste systems. Abraham Lincoln correctly observed that the nation would either survive as entirely free or entirely enslaved. No doubt, the oligarchs desire the latter. If humanity does not "grow up," so-to-speak, then the oligarchs shall have their wish.
In any group some individuals will be more pro-fertility in their beliefs and practices than others. According to neo-Malthusian theory, these pro-fertility individuals will not only have more children, but also pass their pro-fertility on to their children, meaning a constant selection for pro-fertility similar to the constant evolutionary selection for beneficial genes (except much faster because of greater diversity). According to neo-Malthusians, this increase in fertility will lead to hyperexponential population growth that will eventually outstrip growth in economic production. (No pagination)
Of course, Hispanic immigrants come from predominantly Catholic countries. Catholicism is a pro-fertility belief system. Such a system encourages "careless breeding." Therefore, Hispanic immigrants represent a threat to neo-Malthusians. Moreover, neo-Malthusians contend that immigrants contribute very little to the nation's economy. Wikipedia online encyclopedia elaborates:
The dialectic of race merely disguises a larger Hegelian dialectic: communism against fascism. Ayn Rand probably provides the most eloquent summation of this dialectic:
It is obvious what the fraudulent issue of fascism versus communism accomplishes: it sets up, as opposites, two variants of the same political system... it switches the choice of "Freedom or dictatorship?" into "Which kind of dictatorship?"--thus establishing dictatorship as an inevitable fact and offering only a choice of rulers. The choice--according to the proponents of the fraud - is: a dictatorship of the rich (fascism) or a dictatorship of the poor (communism). (180)
The Toledo riot represents a tangible enactment of this traditional Hegelian dialectic. The National Socialist Movement (thesis) superficially conflicts with the International Socialist Movement (antithesis) resulting in Toledo's transformation into a miniature garrison state (synthesis). Toledo is only a microcosm. On the macrocosmic level, the final Hegelian synthesis is a global socialist state.