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Circumcision: "Processed Baby"; Homogenization: "Processed Milk"
godmadeusperfect Views: 4,235
Published: 16 y
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Circumcision: "Processed Baby"; Homogenization: "Processed Milk"

It took me a while to understand your title, but now I totally get it. I agree with you %100. "Engineered babies: better, stronger, more durable, get one today at your nearest hospital." vaccination of tiny babies is another example of people messing perfection.

End male genital mutilation now.

Make it illegal just as serving hydrogenated oil-fried french fries is illegal in California and other states.

Circumcision is an atrocity, a human rights violation, child abuse.

In America if someone cut off part of their son's or daughter's genitalia, they would be hauled away to jail or the looney bin. Yet doctors and rabbis do it everyday routinely, they should be arrested.

Wake up people. Moms: don't let anyone with a knife near your perfect baby.


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