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Re: UltraPhos does NOT (!!!) dilate the biliary ducts! plus suggestions Re: Try this...
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Re: UltraPhos does NOT (!!!) dilate the biliary ducts! plus suggestions Re: Try this...

Ultraphos doesn't dilate anything. It relaxes the vessels of the body. Whether that be arterial, venus or common bile duck.

Come on folks, I'm not the bad guy here. I take raw public and introduce them to Natural Healing. Get them "on the program".

New people worship their medic. All this "Natural Healing" is quite foreign and very confusing for them so I try to keep it simple. Kill the bugs, decongest the liver, and clean the colon. If I can get them that far it'll save their lives. Then they can start arguing all the different parameters of this program versus that program, this product versus that product which seem to occupy most in Natural Healings mind. Who's right, this guys right, no he's wrong, no that protocol is right, no it's not. Who cares - ARE THEY STILL HERE???

80 percent of it is just getting them to try something, anything, besides the standard orthodox "medical regimes". And sure enough once they do it's a very pleasant surprise that it actually works. "What do you know, I'm NOT going to die".

You can argue the fine points and minutia all you want. Everyones a bit different. What works for one may not work for another. Start with the DeWormer but don't forget, Humaworm, "Clear", Clarks, Standard process, and whatever other bug killer you can find. Find the one or combination that works for you. BUT START SOMEWHERE. I know a girl that can't get to sleep at night until she has a cup of coffee. You can explain technicaly how that's NOT possible but yet that's the way she is.

And don't forget folks I tried all the other stuff, including the garlic for the parasites. It took a combination of Clark, Clear and SP's Zymex II at 4-5 times their recommended doages to eliminate all those nasty critters.

The point is: Go with what works for YOU. You'll find it's usually a combination of things. Which doesn't mean anybodies right or wrong.

Get the concepts down. Truly understand the Natural Healing Paradigm and you can't go wrong. It works. It doesn't matter who's ego you bruise along the way, go with what works for you.

Doc Sutter


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