Re: iodine candida
Iodine made me feel more miserable for 5 months; as I was just in the beginning of murdering the fungus overgrowth. I did not know whether this was a toxic condition from die-off of the fungus or whether it was an allergy. I later realized just how powerful
Iodine really is; and should have stayed with it at a lower dosage.
The fungus was just prolific. After all, it had over 50 years to get a "hold". I did not relate this at the time. It was going to take something really strong to keep up with it. Hence,
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I should have kept going with the
Iodine at the same time. I was just too miserable; and I wanted to be fair to both therapies.
Finally, the therapies must have cleared enough of the fungus such that it did not take much more of anything to finish it off.
Doesn't mean it won't come back; so I'm sticking with a one drop per day of Lugol's.