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chiropractic question & liver flush update
13mongoose Views: 1,442
Published: 16 y

chiropractic question & liver flush update

Hi Doc Sutter,
I did a liver flush a few days ago and got quite a bunch of parasite debris and a few stones out. After I got all that junk out I noticed that my health had definitely went up a notch. I could think clearer and felt a bit angry too. Its really rewarding seeing the results of your program.

I went to see a chiropractor a few weeks back and he was the kind that did the rapid bone cracking adjustments. After he twisted my neck and snapped it I noticed some tension in my neck was gone. However I have also noticed that my shoulder muscles are more tense. I remember you mentioning that a chiropractor who does the bone cracking type adjustments isn't doing it right. Should I find a different chiropractor?


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