Oh, ok. It's interesting isn't it. It says that "The Teacher is especially capable of educing or calling forth those inner potentials each learner possesses." This is so true but I am a frustrated teacher as nobody pays any attention to what I say, and I constantly find myself thinking "I told you so" at a later stage. Or somebody will get back to me with such awe and surprise and say "you were so right" as if they cant believe it, as if what I had to say has no credit until having been proven. Yeah, frustrated teacher that's me. And the thing is I cant help but try to inspire people when I know they wont listen. I sometimes try to keep quiet and just let them get on with it, but I cant stop myself I have to let it out.
So the interpretation doesn't fit as a natural leader for me, but then I read that "But Teachers are not so much social as educational leaders, interested primarily in the personal growth and development of others, and less in attending to their social needs" so that might explain it?