Re: Auto Intoxication and my problem
I am still extremely sick from this. I did everything I could to prepare for my fast. I dewormed, I did a pumpkin cleanse, I did a watermelon cleanse, I cut out all meats and fats and I was prepared for the long haul.
I originally wanted a 7 day fast but saw Dr. Mom's scenario and saw 7 days was not enough. I watched her diary everyday and she had constipation for several days so one day of constipation was not worrysome for me, but this was a grave error.
On Day 7 I noticed I had breakouts all over my body and even my toes. My lips were peeling also. Many laughed at Mh when he said the only reason I was alive was due to my skin. As my body had no were to release the millions of toxins that I was getting rid of by my extreme fasting. I have been healthy, I eat healthy, I don't take any pharms so what happened.
Why did Dr. Mom have these same problems, Allah knows best.
So I stopped fasting and took some detox tea and some castor oil 1 T., it helped slightly. The next day took some more castor oil another T. and notice a bunch of dead parasites. Glax and others verified I had killed a truck load of parasites and this was the problem. Ok but I still was so bloated and full of toxins. My heatlh started declining and I could not breathe. Even if I ate a piece of fruit I was gasping for breath. Again I tried another dose of castor oil.
I then contacted Tony and Luella for help and they sent me this link.
I tried several of these remedies and they helped but not completely.
Today I developed extreme problems and I found my breathing was being shut off. So I went to see a doctor and he told me to drink a whole bottle of castor oil, 60 ml. Be the time I got home I was barely able to walk. I drank the castor oil mixed with orange juice.
Now I am on the toilet constantly and my stomach is absolutely a mess. I am still not empty. Although I have gone so much and such, I feel my colon still conpacted.
I wish someone had warned me of complications. How we laughed at Gweneth Paltrow's doctor told her to take 1/2 cup of castor oil if she did not have a bowel movement and that is exactly what you should do. He was right on.
I went the slow path for several days and it is causing me problems. MH, was right, I was close to killing myself.
So if you are going to fast, be careful and keep those bowels moving. Will I do another juice fast, probably not.