16 y
Re: My fecal odor. Someone suggested I post here.
when you refer to the standard american dead diet, the thing that pops in my head is the fact that people all over the world have meat in their diets. in fact, humans have been eating dead meat since very early on. it's seems to me that only certain people have these types of digestive problems and I am one of them. I really want to find out the cause of the problems. I may have been born this way and it has taken a life time of eating the wrong things for it to catch up with me. or, I may have some sort of condition that I am unaware of that is causing my digestive system to malfunction.
I have several bowel movements a day. usually 3-4 sometimes more. as I stated earlier, I am lactose intolerant so I have been staying away from dairy for the most part. however, whenever I break down and have some dairy in my food or it is hidden and I eat it without knowing, I have severe diarrea later on and it feels like that empties out my colon. but then the smell is still there so how can it be? sometimes I feel a wetness around my anus which I feel contributes to the odor too but it's a little different as far as the smell of it.
often I think of when I was younger and I first started drinking alcohol. after nights where me and friends would drink quite a bit, the next day my butt would be wet and sometimes there would be a burning sensation. I attributed this to the alcohol being pushed from my body through my anus. there would also sometimes be an odor. because of that memory I initially attributed my odor and digestive problems to alcohol abuse. I then stopped drinking so much and noticed that sometimes the odor wasn't as severe the next day. however, once the odor became and everyday thing (4 years ago) it didn't seem to matter whether I had been drinking or not, the smell was there. I remember THE DAY that the odor became an everyday thing for me. I remember waking up that day and being scared to death because of what was happening. I didn't know what to do to stop it up. well, here I am 4 years later. within these past 4 years my anxiety has gotten really out of hand due to this and other things that have happened in my life.