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Earth Clinic's newsletter - Vitamin C and Excitotoxins
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Earth Clinic's newsletter - Vitamin C and Excitotoxins

01/31/2009: Catherine from Seattle, WA writes: "I was fighting a sinus infection last week after landing in California and went to a Whole Foods to get some Vitamin C. I decided to get Emergen-C to add to water because it had a really tempting fruity flavor. Immediately after taking my first packet (which was delicious), I felt a weird sensation in my head and then I got really edgy (as in bad mood edgy). I read the ingredients on the box and sure enough, the vitamin C used in this brand is Aspartic acid, an excitotoxin. The Emergen-C also contained "natural flavors", aka MSG. I waited 24 hours and tried again to see if I would have the same side effects. Again, within a minute of drinking the packet, I got the same sensation in my head. My question is, are you doing more good or harm to the body when you take this form of vitamin c?!! Also, does Whole Foods know what they're selling? I thought they had stricter standards than most health food stores about supplements! I now need to check the ingredients on the dissolvable vitamin c from Trader Joe's that I have at home to see if it's the same stuff. GRRRR!!!"

02/01/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Aspartic acid is a well known excitotoxin and so is monosodium glutamate or MSG. In the long run it's going to destroy the immune system through a neurodegenerative disorder. Once the excitotoxins is destroyed the immune system is down. Now in a pharmaceutical formulation adding this results in the need to take that since you get sicker and so you might feel some relief, the long term is it's going to make a person sicker, which result in greater sales for product with excitotoxins added. Now imagine a child who is a borderline autism, ADHD, these can result in many other neurodegenerative disorders and metabolic acidosis. As for me decades ago I took accidentally soft drinks with aspartame resulting in deafness, but also a permanent partial macular degeneration of the eyes. So the systematic destruction is almost wholesale if given long term use. Luckily Emergen C is not sold in Thailand, although some friends of mind given me this, I don't take it. I prefer to buy bulk vitamin C and mix them myself. There are other excitotoxins, but aspartic acid, aspartame, monosodium glutamate, and glutamic acid are the most well known.

There are other things people need to know that also accelerates aging process besides excitotoxins, well known in research circles, they are ketones and aldehydes. In one study, 36 out of 37 perfumes contain ketones, commonly in the form of musk ketones. Aldhydes are perfumes used in many cometic products, such as Chanel No. 5, but also in many consumer products, such as detergents and soap. The third common one is the bisphenol A, which acts like estrogen found in nearly all canned products that have plastic linings, and benzene, a degradation of sodium benzoate is found in most soft drinks.

I remember a newsreporter who uncovered U.S> black ops, that appeared on "What's My Line", a close friend of Marilyn Monroe, before both are dead mysteriously and the drinking water were heavily added using fluoride and LSD. Thus fluoridation and chlorination, if some of these are used in assassinations, I doubt I want to use them in my drinking water supply.

Therefore most effervescent products sometimes they are not labeled so I ended up calling the factory sometimes. One easy way to measure excitotoxin poisoning is that the urinary pH suddenly become very acid, such as pH 5.5 or lower and even taking more baking soda barely raise the pH long enough to be satisfactory. Such as it can't raise the pH for the entire day. It also takes weeks for the pH to be near normal after taking b complex and baking soda for a week or two. A long term taking of this can also resulted in higher urinary sugar and damaged pancreas, besides damaging the brain. One of the worse advertisement I have seen is Michael J. Fox supporting Diet Pepsi, which contains aspartame, and he himself has Parkinson's disease, which will make such conditions much worse. The remedy is not to take aspartame for Parkinson's disease or to undergo stem cells, since it's not yet legal at the moment and stem cell research has been blocked for at least 8 years. Methylene blue taken at 2 drops at 0.1% concentration might reverse some of the effects of excitotoxins as it is one of my remedies for Parkinson's disease also.

Taking excitotoxins is a long term damage that may lead to degenerative disorders, metabolic acidosis, and lowered immune system. Therefore I would avoid them as best as I can.


02/01/2009: Rosy from Orlando, Fl replies: "I feel the same way after taking the emergen-c. I had to give it way. I didn't know that Aspartic acid was an excitotoxin."

02/01/2009: Joyce from Joelton, Tn. replies: "Hello Catherine: Unless you consider killing off your brain cells good, ingesting excitotoxins, or neurotoxins is very bad. When you read up on excitotoxins, you will find the same two majors so rampant in our processed foods, monosodium glutamate and aspartame, are also blamed for making our bodies kick out excessive insulin which starts us down the progression of insulin resistance and development of diabetes mellitus, type 2. Personally, I don't care to ingest any of them but it is very difficult to avoid them in our foods these days.

Russell Blaylock tells us that any hydrolyzed plant (corn, soy, pea, etc) protein is the most deadly form of all of MSG because it kills off two different types of neurons, because it contains both MSG and aspartame. Since this would hold true for ingredients listing both monosodium glutamate and aspartame in the ingredients, stay away from those foods containing either one these toxins. Read labels carefully before buying as I have found a couple of canned vegetables listing ingredients: monosodium glutamate, spices, hydrolyzed plant protein, and natural flavors all on the same label.

To make this story more pitiful, they were not at the end of the ingredients list and the ingredients are supposed to be listed beginning with what it contains most of first and listing those with very small amounts last."

02/01/2009: Dianna from Austin, TX replies: "wow! i am upset by this. i have been taking emergen-c for years and i didn't know that this was anything other than an amino acid.

so - i need to find another vitamin/mineral blend that is easy to take. i just looked up airborne's ingredients and am sad to say that they contain acesulfame potassium which is an artificial sweetener... as well as sorbitol...

can anyone give me the name of a product that is similar to these and is safe?

02/02/2009: Sandy from In the sticks, Nevada replies: "Thank you Catherine in Seattle for sharing this. I would not have known -- just goes to show that a person needs to read the label on everything -- even "trusted" products that seem healthy. I would like to give everyone a heads up on two other problem products within our food supply. There may be a few of you that have not heard that there is yet another reason to avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup -- mercury! Here is a link I found --
--but go ahead and google this yourself. Also, to my horror, I purchased a bottle of Balsamic vinegar the other day, used some and then noticed on the label, A LEAD WARNING! I am still researching this, but wanted to share a link with you

Evidently a person would have to consume a lot of vinegar to reach the lead level in California's Proposition 65. Even so, I feel that I don't need any extra lead :), so I am going to start buying certified lead free vinegar. I know that I am probably ingesting other toxic things in my food, but what is a person to do? I just say a little prayer over my food and try to do the best I can with what I know."

02/02/2009: Patricia from Elmont, NY replies: "emergen-c caused a herpes simplex outbreak. I was shopping at Trader Joes and I picked up a pack of emergen-c. thinking that it will supply me with needed vit-c. I took one packet right at the store with water that I bought there. I felt really weird after taking it. I read the ingredients and I noticed natural flavors and natural sucrose. I know from previous time that anything edible containing natural flavours it is MSG. No sooner did I get into my car to leave,my lip became inflamed and I had the start of a cold sore. I returned to the store and got my money back. I later spoke to the manager about the situation and he said he cannot pull anything off the shelf. It has to be done by headquarters. Now I only depend on good quality Vit C. Emergen-C is on my not-to-buy-list!"

12/17/2008: Christine from Virginia Beach, VA writes: "Have been reading your Vitamin C section; I do so wish you would have a link to Dr. Klenner's paper on Vitamin C, particularly the pregnancy section. Dr. K. was able to help expectant mothers who would have died otherwise by prescribing Vitamin C for them. In fact, the mothers who took Dr. Klenner's prescribed doses of Vitamin C had no stretch marks and easy births.

Sometimes you need an objective health professional to tell you whether taking Vitamin C is related to symptoms that you are experiencing. Or is it a component of the Vitamin C, such as aspartic acid, or the type of Vitamin C you are taking? E.g. taking straight ascorbic acid in water can corrode your digestive tract because Vitamin C is an acid. That's why it's usually buffered with sodium. If you take calcium ascorbate, be sure to balance it with magnesium citrated (magnesium oxide is not readily absorbed).

As for a person being "allergic" to Vitamin C, that is impossible. Vitamin C is a universal detoxifier. High doses of Vitamin C are used to stop hayfever. It has to be a component of the tablet, not the Vitamin C, that is causing an allergic reaction."

EC: Here is a link we found on Google to "Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C" by Dr. Klenner.

12/14/2008: Sandy from Carrollton, TX writes: "I have Hepatitis C and I think that I got it in 1981 from a blood transfusion when my daughter was born. I only discovered that I was infected in 2002 when my hands and knee were swollen and I was in so much pain. The doctor told me that I had RA and put me on all of the conventional treatments. During this process, he tested for Hep C and told me that I had this disease. I did not want to take the conventional treatment, so I found out about Colloidal Silver and have used it nearly every day. The RA reduced from 115 to 3 which is within the normal range. I had done alot of research and changed my life style, including diet, eliminating as much toxins from shampoos, toothpaste, deoderant, etc. I do oil pulling, body brushing and take a bath with either hydrogen peroxide, espom salts and baking soda. I did find an holistic doctor and he gave my IV's of vitamins, hydrogen peroxide, and one other that I don't recall at this time. My viral load is lower that it has been prior to these treatments (909,000) and my blood work has normal ranges for the liver panel and other areas. I believe the silver has keep my viral load down (highest was 2 million). I feel great and have no side effects of the Hep C. I was told my an infectious disease doctor that I probably did not have RA, but it was an effect of the Hep C. I have a very positive attitude and I think that I will one day be virus free. I believe that God has played a huge part in my health. I wanted to mention that a doctor told me that I was in the early stages of cirrhosis and had about 5 years to live. I was so confused and angry, but I knew that I was not going to give up. This is a great site and I check every day for new postings. If you have this disease, don't give up, but take care of yourself."

12/03/2008: Faith from Louisville, KY writes: "When I was younger, around 10 or 11 years old, I went with my grandma to visit her relatives. I think I caught cold during that time because I played outside a lot in the snow with my cousins.

When the night came, I was coughing non-stop. No body could sleep because of me. Needless to say that we were at some village far from civilization, lol, and they could not take me to the doctor. Well, in the middle of the night, the lady of the house got up and came to me asking me to get up and eat some onion. Nooo!!! I hated onions. But, she talked me into eating some. I wrapped it in a piece of bread and swallowed quickly without chewing. Amazingly, I did not cough at all for the rest of the night.

I think it really worked, and I tried it few times later in my life. It is not pleasant to eat raw onions, but it will help you, that is for sure.

Now, when I get sick and cough, I cut up a whole onion and mix it with cottage cheese and some sour cream add some salt and eat it like a salad. It tastes so much better and helps me get rid of the cold much faster."

11/30/2008: Nikki from Racine, Wisconsin writes: "Acid reflux and pickle juice.

It was the oddest thing - I have had acid reflex from hypothyroidism for years. As most of the readers here I tried everything OTC and Rx to help and most of the time it did nothing - or at times created more symptoms I chose not do have.

Oddly - in the last few months - I stummbled across in my reading that sea salt and ACV help adrenal fatigue. Knowing I had this I realized I was craving salt to no end and pickle juice seemed to be what I wanted more than anything. I recall way back my father drinking straight out of the pickle jar and as a kid I was horrified of the thought of him doing that.

Not only are my adrenals being repaired - but the horrible acid reflex will dissappear almost immediately when I get a bout of it. I love Valasic garlic pickles and that is what I mostly have in the house.

This morning - and it sounds gross - but I had acid so bad that I convinced myself to slam a couple of gulps down and again at 5am - GONE again.

Thanks earth clinic for helping me overcome this horrible acid and reminding that Daddy knows best!"

11/29/2008: Steve from Ballina, Australia writes: "After six days of the really intense pain of Shingles on my scalp and right forehead - and this using the prescribed medication and painkillers, I looked up cures on the internet and found this site. ACV seemed to have the most comments and it was something I knew I could get from the local supermarket. I took the two tablespoons in juice orally as one writer had suggested and within minutes the pain had dulled to a tolerable level. This was about 8pm in the evening. I also dabbed the rash with straight ACV. Not looking forward to yet another sleepless night I took a second oral dose of ACV and all my doctor prescribed stuff just before going to bed at about 11pm. I am writing this the morning after the only unbroken sleep I have had all week. I have taken another dose of ACV with the other stuff this morning. I still have some pain but it is tolerable and I now think the other option I considered ie. chopping my head off, was perhaps a little too drastic."

11/26/2008: Lori from Hammond, Indiana writes: "For about 2 yrs. I've been suffering from UTI's/Bladder Infections and most recently, Yeast Infections. I have been to the ER I don't know how many times, then I found a dr. that deals in that. I kept having UTI's and Bladder Infections and he kept prescribing my antiboitics, it got to the point where the antiboitics stopped working, I recently tried the ACV and I feel so much better! It really works. If I knew about this a long time ago it would of saved me a lot of trips to the ER. And I also love the added things it does for me, I have A TON of energy, my hair looks and feels a lot better, I went for a check-up last Monday and I lost 4 lbs. and I wasn't even trying. Trust me ladies, u should try the ACV!"

11/26/2008: Nisel from Crestline, CA writes: "I waited two months before sending my feedback on Blackstrap Molasses because I wanted to be sure it was working for me. I have had severe constipation since I was a young girl and am now 57. I have suffered much with this condition and have tried endless remedies without permanent relief. After reading the reviews, I decided to try Blackstrap Molasses; taking one table spoon in the morning and one table spoon in the evening (I also take one one teaspoon Cayenne Pepper in the morning and one in the evening). After two months I can honestly say that I am having one, and sometimes two bowel movements a day. To add to my joy, I also have more energy. I work full time and by the afternoons I am really tired, but have noticed lately that most days I feel fine during afternoon/eveing hours. I am amazed and very grateful to God and to your website for providing a miracle cure!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

11/24/2008: Jess from Port Lincoln, South Australia writes: "A teaspoon of ACV on the back of the neck rubbed in for about 30 seconds fixed a quite bad case of conjunctivitis in our MalteseX overnight. If we hadn't seen it we would not have believed it. Simply amazing. We are continuing the treatment for a couple of days, but not sure why, as there is absolutely no sign of the symptoms at all. ACV was used neat and is being reapplied about 3 times a day - however, the initial treatment did the trick., and ACV, are great!"

09/24/2008: Beth from Auckland, Middle-Earth New Zealand writes: "I tried the advice from your column for dogs with conjunctivitis or pinkeye. I applied a small amount of ACV on the neck on my pet dog and in 1 hour, the conjunctivitis has almost gone! Not only that but his eye has opened (was full of goop and closed), and he is playing with his toys again! I poured a tablespoon of ACV onto the neck and massaged it in. Fantastic and thanks!"

11/21/2008: Mark from Nashville, TN writes: "I wrote in about dietary things I did to help the antibiotics work better when I had a staph infection on my face that the antibiotics alone would not kill. This is an update. I wrote in too soon, because there were a few places on my forehead and ear that the antibiotics and dietary changes would not cure. I experimented with various things I read about on this website. I found that coating the remaining infected areas on my face with tea tree oil caused some of the areas to break open, bleed out and heal. However, I still had a couple of places that just would not heal. A place on my ear flaired up with infection which spread back across my face (probably from rubbing on my pillow as I slept). I tried putting white vinegar on a cotton ball. I did it in the morning, and when I did it again in the evening the remaining places opened up and bled out. I stopped and let them heal. As they were healing, I went back to the dermatologist and had a culture done on the place on my ear. It came back with no more staph infection. Because I had been using a plastic pillow cover under my pillow case to try to keep the staph out of my pillow, I developed boils on the back of my neck. As they were healing on their own when on my final visit to the dermatologist, I did not mention them. About three of them still hadn't healed up, though, after a couple of weeks. Knowing how great tea tree oil and vinegar work, I used the "holy grail" treatment on this website for the boils (basically topical tea tree oil and internally taken tumeric). The only change I made was to put vinegar on a cotton ball and also wipe that onto the boils from time to time. It only took two days for the boils to break open and bleed out. Thanks for the great information on this website. Even though vinegar, tea tree oil and tumeric work as well (or better when it's MRSA on your skin) than antibiotics, I believe that by law doctors are only allowed to use FDA approved drugs to treat you. Thus, they can't even tell you about using non regulated household items like vinegar, and some act like you are crazy if you mention them. They would rather put you into the hospital and administer intravenous antibiotics for a mild skin infection than tell you about tea tree oil and vinegar. All this being said, I do think it is important to at least "touch base" with a treditional dermatologist (maybe one visit). That way if a skin infection progresses beyond just a minor (but hard to cure) thing on the skin no matter what you try, you'll have a doctor who is monitoring you and can get you admitted to a hospital for more invasive and intensive care - such as if the infection enters your bloodstream and spreads around inside your body."

11/21/2008: Tanya from Edmonton, Alberta Canada writes: "I am truly a believer in turmeric. I have been struggling with a stubborn boil on my groin/inner thigh area for some months now. It would grow to excruciating size to the point where I walked with a limp and had to avoid any clothes items that may rub against it; then shrink away to inevitably return. It seemed to be affected by my cycle? I tried everything. First thing I went to the doctor to find out what it was because I had never experienced this before. He immediately let me know that it was an abscess/ boil and prescribed me some harsh antibiotics and said it should make it go away and if it doesn't I was to come back in two weeks if it was still there and have it lanced. Well I didn't want to take the harsh antibiotics or have it lanced so I immediately went to the local natural health store to see what alternatives I would try. I was on Colloidal silver oral spray and also took it topically, vitamin A and C Vitamin E and Zinc. Hurray it seemed to be working. I was so ecstatic as the pain from this boil was too much to handle at times. Unfortunately no matter how small it got or even if it seemed to be gone once every month it would return. This past Monday it came back with a vengeance. In all the time I had battled this boil it had never been so painful. This time I tried googling any other natural remedies that would work and I found this site, I was desperate. OMG turmeric is amazing I started taking it yesterday at doses of one teaspoon mixed with warm water 3 times a day at B/L/D and today my boil is draining! The relief is amazing. I also soaked it in the hottest water that was tolerable 3 times a day. And made a mixture of polysporin and turmeric and dressed the boil with this over night and during the day. I hope I never have to deal with this pain again. It drained last night right before bed and so much pus came out; it was almost scary. The only thing I am worried about now is the core? I have read that you have to make sure you get that out? I haven't done that yet and I'm not sure how. If any one has any suggestions please let me know. This is amazing and I highly recommend this CURE for everyone including sceptics."

11/19/2008: Tonya from Long Branch, NJ USA writes: "My husband and I had four boils this month alone, something neither of us had ever experienced. We concluded that we got the boil in the same areas that we shaved...and shame on us we used the same razor! Anyway last week the biggest boil I've ever seen came out on my face by my ear. It was larger than a golf ball. I was about to go to the ER when I came across this site. My husband ran to store to get tumeric capsules because I had tried everything and figured what the heck! Well last night I took my first capsule woke up and the boil is 1/2 the size already. The pain has decreased as well and I can function at work without feeling it today! I am not one that takes herbal pills and usually trusts the doctors. But when I went to the first pharmacy, the pharmacist said he'd never heard of the spice being used for that. I say, they should be made aware. This stuff is truly amazing and I'm sold!! Thank you everyone. I was truly at my wits end!"

12/17/2008: Ellie from Charlotte, NC/USA writes: "My asthma is not severe yet I've required daily doses of Flovent and occasional use of a fast acting inhaler for years. Being without, even for a day is a concern. Recently I ran out of my Flovent and simply did not have the $180 necessary to purchase a refill. The congestion in my lungs began right away. Each day was worse. My lungs were burning and I knew I'd wind up in the emergency room soon if I didn't do something.

I searched the internet for any home remedy that would buy me some time and relief until I could purchase medication. There were hundreds, most of which required me to harvest it myself on the bottom of the ocean or something. Then I found this site with the ridiculous suggestion to consume apple cider vinegar! This made no sense but I was desperate, it was late, I was miserable, and I had some in my kitchen cabinet.

The first night I drank 2 TBS and slept through the night without waking to use my emergency inhaler. I hadn't done that in days.

The next week and a half I used 1 TBS two to three times a day mixed in juice, holding my nose, followed by chocolate (or raspberries which I suddenly developed a craving for) and I've NEVER used anything that broke up my congestion faster. EVER.

I've now gone three weeks without the use of an inhaler at all! I've been on medication for years! I'm still stunned.

Thank goodness I found this site.

Ellie J."

12/17/2008: Ed from Dayton, OH writes: "Near Miracle Cure: I tore my right rotator cuff a few years ago, and the surgeon recommended three surgeries for the damage, and told me I would be lucky to have 20% mobility of my shoulder (range of motion), and that I'd never be able to use it for any strenuous activity. A second opinion was needed in my mind, and a coworker recommended Deb, a massage therapist that specialized in sports injury who was helping her with her Fibro-mialgia. I decided to give Deb a chance, and she talked to me while working on my shoulder with some almond massage oil, and in 15 minutes she asked me to stand up and show her my range of motion. Amazingly, I was able to hold my arm all the way vertical, albiet with much pain, which meant that I really did have 180 degrees of mobility, though it would not be permanent without some maintenance and healing. She told me at that point that if I wanted to heal the shoulder, come see her once a week for two months, and rub a table spoon of castor oil on my shoulder morning and night with heat whenever possible, and to do the 'wax on / wax off' exercise against a door each day.

4 months later, I started lifting weights again with my shoulder, and it's as if it was never damaged now. The castor oil got rid of the inflammation, the massage kept the muscles and tendons in the right places, and the exercises brought blood and healing to the joint. I have to say, the castor oil was the hero here, as Deb said it would not have been possible otherwise. The body's self healing was able to take place (the true miracle) thanks to the lack of inflammation!

Since that time, I've used Castor Oil to heal back injuries, nasty scrapes (my 240 lbs supported by my shin as it raked across a 2x4 board in the attic!), inflammed eyes, skin softening, hemorrhoids!, and much more, and in all the times I've used it in a heat pack, the results are dramatic and instant, as in next-day you can't tell you were injured! For doubters, just try it, you will no longer doubt it."



02/09/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes, "One of the most frequently encountered errors in medicine today, including alternative medicine, concerns the use of dosages. This is a very important topic to discuss as most people think the dose is either take once a day, twice a day or even three times a day as per doctor's prescription. But this is a fatal error and a frequent cause of death in conventional medicine. In alternative medicine even if taken too much for example leads to a Herxheimer effect.

A person can have a reaction when taken either too much, too frequently, too long, damages the healthy cells more then the bacteria we are trying to get rid of, or the body become congested with it, have a severe side effects or it simply isn't working for you at all. These are the most frequently encountered problems.

The whole issue is really simple:most people do not know why this dose is taken that frequently and how long. Is just one thing. The other is whether it works at all or you have a severe side effects. So are we blindly following orders? In Pharmaceuticals they don't even consider the importance of circadium rhythm when testing for toxicity of medicine when determining the dosages.

Even so, do we really need to understand why the amount of dose is really necessary? Well I do know as a fact that doctors kill patients if they find them annoying by giving them a fatal of overdose of morphine - and you won't even know about it. Nurses do know (especially Registered Nurse) that given certain dose of a person of certain age - especially advanced age - are fatal. That's why you need to look at doses of toxic drugs, as in morphine and chemotherapy - simply what IS the LD50? An LD50 is simply the dose in which Laboratory studies show that at a certain dose say mg per kilogram will cause 50% of the rats to die. A fatal dose in which the doctors give could be quite close to this LD50.

There is another twist to this LD50 deal. It's called LD1, which means at a certain dose, this will result in 1% death of rats in the study. So you think LD1 is safe? Well, not when you have a cocktail of toxic drugs, such as chemotherapy! A combination of this can result in LD100! This means there is a 100% chance of death if a cocktail are taken. In a laboratory rat, a dose of LD1 of mercury and LD1 of lead are mixed together so that you get an LD100. It makes for an interesting murder and don't assume professional or pharmaceuticals to be ignorant of this fact. So imagine an ordinary child whose blood lead levels were just "higher" then ordinary people, an injection of mercury vaccines at normal dose can either kill him or made him autistic or other neurological disorder.

So is there really a safe levels of cocktails of toxic chemicals to kill cancer without the collateral damages? Unfortunately yes, but the Pharmaceuticals' can't patent them, so they are not going to treat you with it. Even if it is a cure. Besides, this is a leading question. You have to ask a proper question: toxic chemical ONLY to the cancer cells but NOT healthy cells at all - is that at all possible?

It's as if collateral damages from radiation therapy and chemotherapy are something to be accepted by faith we have on the doctors. Doctor's aren't God and hence healthy skepticism is needed here. In fact there ARE chemotherapy that really has none of the collateral damages we are talking about here at all, such as baking soda and potassium bicarbonate injection that can reduce tumors in a matter of days. It's the alkalizing and the potassium that kills the tumor and a sodium is used not to disturb the natural sodium/potassium ratio. This is just one of the examples.

You might be wondering, assuming the medicine is unavoidable because the pharmaceutical industry refuses to give you anything safe and you have no choice but to sleep with the devil. How much can you take? I have a rule of thumb of mine, which I used frequently to determine safe starting dose. It's still a rule of thumb and it gave me little problems. So in case I ended up in that same situation, the dose I will probably is to use a reference MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) of x chemical and look up LD50. LD1 and other things aren't that available. The LD50 is based on mg per kilogram dose for LD50. So if a human weighs 50 kg, and the assumed LD50 is 5 mg/kg. The LD50 dose for an extrapolated human dose, as a fictitious example based on oral rat dose would be 5 mg/kg x 50 = 250 mg. So what is my dose? I assume you weigh 1 kg. Therefore the MAXIMUM dose I will use, but frequently I only use 1/4 or 1/8 of the LD50 dose WITHOUT the need to multiply the weight factor. Therefore the dose I would use would be one kilogram weiight plus 1/4 of the LD50 at 1 kilogram weight only. And this means it's my maximum dose. My real dose maybe even lower, such as 1/8 of LD50 at 1 kilogram only. So in case I am suspicious about doctor's dose, I sometimes consult and check the LD50 dose using this rule of thumb as to whether the medicine is going to kill me or not.

The amount of dose is discussed, now comes the issue of frequency of dose. How do I know how frequent is the dose? As a rule of thumb, fat soluble and certain minerals are NOT taken frequently because both of these tend to accumulate. This includes fat soluble vitamins, such as A, E, and D being the most obvious ones. The dose is commonly once a week, but there's an exception which is vitamin D and is often taking for a longer course, such as one to three months, for one obvious reason: bone formation takes much more time and hence vitamin D is taken for a much longer time, and also a much larger dose then those sold commercially, which is 20,000 i.u. being the most common form I used. At least for me, D2 and D3 works similarly, and its less well known functions besides osteoporosis is kidney function, muscular dystrophy, muscular atrophy, and immunity. Most of the mineral deficiency occur because the mineral supplements has wax, such as magnesium stearate, or something that blocks absoprtion such as gelatin, tablets such as tricalcium phosphate. So in some cases you can take zinc supplements for years and you won't even have any rise in zinc. The way to solve is simple: get a zinc in powder form, such as zinc acetate, being my favorite and take it at least initially once a week, before becoming once a month, or not at all depending on the level of deficiency. Sometimes excessive zinc is easy to tell: you get symptoms of loss of appetite, while deficiency sometimes you get oily face or scalp. A couple of exceptions exist on minerals however, such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium (usually the calcium easy to find in most foods anyway) are those that can be taken everyday without in excess. The key is to be taken in proper proportion.

The water soluble vitamins are taken more frequent, for obvious reason that they don't accumulate and hence can be taken almost everyday, with one possible exception being the vitamin B in general. Vitamin C is taken much more frequently in practice with little problems, so it appears the body is in constant need for this since it is water soluble, it can't accumulate. Amino acid in general works in similar principle as a water soluble, sometimes a good source I used is actually soy sauce, added frequently in my food, which should not have added MSG into it. As a matter of fact this nutrient of soy sauce can be added in drops even to help plants to have more flowers. A water soluble vitamins dosage usually required weekly dose.

The other type of dosaging that you need to know is cycling where there is a required rest period to avoid the Herxheimer effect for a sudden crash from continuous taking of supplements. Certain smart drugs, EDTA, chelation therapy, or even detox remedies require a rest period, depending on how strong the detoxing is can occur from once every other day to once a week. An example I remember is if a child with an ADHD continues to take cilantro they can't do so because if chelated metals is too high in the blood it becomes somewhat toxic. And hence a small amount is required then it is alternate without cilantro to allow the body to lower the metal blood chelated metal from circulation to reduce slowly.


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