Saying one thing and being another
There is a war going on for your soul but you don't have to participate in it. There are some who rise above the pettiness and respond with love to each situation. They are usually very young or very old. In the face of injustice, they just continue influencing those they can influence and let the world collapse around them. I have never been one to see the world through rose colored glasses and get caught up from time to time opposing injustice rather than "being" the change I would want to see in others. This has been my journey. If one can get into that place of being joy and being kind as the world falls into anarchy, this one can be a beacon of light in the darkness.
The rest of the world may be sharpening their axes and loading up their pistols to prepare for what may come to pass but if we can increase the light inside us... battling the darkness inside of us... that battle outside of us need never be fought... The world will begin to brighten and when enough of us light up the world... those that want to play Mad Max will have to be looking directly away from the light to play their games of war. The world is in crisis and as the fearful maneuver those in their circles of paranoia and fear, the fearless should not join the dance of fear but rather be a light so when the fearful grow weary of their dance of fear... they will not see the light as their enemy. This has been my folly.
I see injustice and by joining that dance through maneuvering to oppose injustice, I have been lured into fearing others. I could say that "I am only human" but that is only part of the story. I am soul and through the sharing of the soul experiences of many lives, I should have grown weary of playing war by opposing war. Being for light is not to be against darkness. All of the light in all of us survives and all the darkness dies so the battle is already won. The illusion that darkness will forever remain seems to be relevant when we play in the world of time but if we are to be timeless beings...we need not dance in the illusions of fear. I am not there but these are the impressions that have been coming over me as I look into my left hand where is my verbal ax and in my right hand is my loaded verbal pistol. I hope that I can drop those weapons and stop dancing in the dance of fear today...