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Re: Organic pink grapefruit kills candida?
Nurseybo Views: 39,856
Published: 16 y
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Re: Organic pink grapefruit kills candida?

Here in America food and drug Adm insist on companies putting all the ingredients on their products. I don't know about other countries. This is what I found on NutriBiotics website.

What about rumours of Chemicals in GSE?
Newsgroups and email groups have received postings to the effect that Grapefruit-Seed-Extract contains Triclosan, Benzelthonium Chloride, or Methyl Paraben. The source of this type of report comes from both Germany(Here is the PubMed reference to the German Report) and Japan, where Citricidal is not approved for human consumption. A more recent attack on Grapefruit-Seed-Extract can be found at this link. The reason is that Citricidal is very similar in molecular weight to both Benzelthonium Chloride and Triclosan, both of which are effective disinfectants, but are toxic to human and animal life. In Germany their test(which is not well documented at all) for BC, Triclosan, and M.Paraben came up positive(which is more correctly called a "false positive") and in Japan, the same is happening for Triclosan. USDA found benzelthonium chloride in its 2001 test. Was this a simple error or a deliberate attempt to scare people away from Citricidal and Nutribiotic products?

Meanwhile, Citricidal has been tested for the presence of these toxins by independent labs, and has been proven clean. (Ex: Weston Gulf Coast Laboratories, Inc., University Park, IL, test completed in March of 1992. Tested for heavy metals, Cyanides, Pesticides and PCBs and Benzelkonium Chloride. Results: None Detected.) In fact, the accusations about triclosan(used in many dish and hand soaps in the US) became so frequent a few years ago, that Citricidal began specifically testing each batch of Grapefruit-Seed-Extract for its absense, and providing a Certificate of Analysis to that effect.

The truth is, Citricidal is not only effective, it has been in use for decades and recommended by many high profile doctors and healthcare professionals. If these allegations had any validity, there certainly would be a history of complaints and judgements against the product, and it would have been removed from the market many years ago. Triclosan has recently been compared to "Agent Orange" in toxicity. The EPA rates triclosan as "highly toxic". The US FDA made inspections of the Nutribiotic manufacturing facility back in the 1990's and found no chemical preservatives ; and the formula is the same today.

Such rumours are false, and are not a threat to those armed with accurate information. The test reports from Germany and Japan and the USDA are certainly bothersome, but they have produced "false positives", not accurate profiles. The vast body of evidence from many years of use by thousands of satisfied consumers, doctors, manufacturers, and veterinarians, speaks most loudly against such reports. (The German report, linked above, does suggest that some suppliers of "GSE" may, in fact, be fraudulent. But Citricidal and NutriBiotic GSE are both proven, safe, and effective products.)


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