Silver moons--cauchy3
Silver moons….
Nomadic seeds are flowers bloomed.
Merely know the knells on rooms.
Bent a angle turns returned.
Eat your seeds are owners used.
Backfires all are private lords.
Public places have private eats.
Eat my cups as Taiwan moons.
Silver moons are all to add.
Ganders get my eyes to go.
Mad to powers are made TO.
Ganglands give a ring to meet.
Higher H.H. has lower P.P.
Fires will need the forthright licks.
Waters smooth will need to dig.
Playful moons are bright on seas.
Down to play are games to reach.
Free the Tibet as song to sing.
Nations laws as lawyers kick.
Silver moon will get the tips.
Taiwan stands on bottom tight.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------