16 y
Excess calcium + upper???
Hi, Moreless!
After reading the thread below and the brief comment toward the end regarding excess calcium plus nitrogen being able to carry oxygen versus the nitrogen and potassium NOT being able to do so, I am wondering if this explains the initial experience that at least two past posts have reported of being very highly energised, sometimes to the point of having trouble sleeping, when they started the drink.
The post from about 2 years ago seem to indicate this for LD Di, at a consumption of 20 T limewater per drink and up to 3 of these a day. The more recent posts did not mention the amount of calcium used, but mentioned mixing and drinking a gallon of the drink per day.
Additionally, if this might be so, would this hyper-oxygenation be likely to be beneficial in any way? Harmful? Some of each, depending on the health status of the individual? Just wondering, because others at other CZ forums are spending lots of money to create states of hyper-oxygenation. If it is beneficial, this sure looks like a cheaper option.
Thanks in advance for considering this and adding your thoughts!