Thanks Dieter, Actually, There was tons of black pebbling in there initially and not anymore. The metal smell was strong initially, and not anymore. Just food for thought. Since my Holistic MD says it detoxes through the feet I believe it. She also says that the water will have no gunk in it when you are all cleaned out. Interesting to point out that I do not want to do a footbath today, I can tell intuitively and by the way I feel when I think about doing the bath that it wouldn't benefit my body today. But now most of the metal has been cleared and most of the toxins. I can feel that I already have a ton of negative ions circulating so I will wait a few days. Addionally, I wish I had the pre and post results for mercury levels. Three years ago I was in the 75th percentile so I am curious to be retested. When I have the money I will ger it done and post it. Thanks.