Thanks. I found a physical therapist who specializes in manual lymph drainage for cancer rehab, and for 6 months I've been doing 45 min. a day of manual lymph drainage massage. I'm 3 months in out of 6 months wearing a specially made (in Germany) compression garment on my neck (and chin, and a wide strap over my head). Without compression, the sack of fluid on my neck kept filling up even with the manual massage.
When I started, I took herbs to get your lymph system moving - and my neck swelled up and swallowed my chin. Later a different physical therapist suggested I do the rebounding, and that had the same effect - both times it took weeks for the swelling to go back down. It turns out that if you have lymph edema, you don't want to do the standard things to get your lymphs moving because the fluid has nowhere to go.