16 y
Re: David Wolfe the quack, by MH
I do agree that Wolfe is a crafty salesman and good at what he does. He seems to have sold out with all his superfood products and expensive speaking engagements. Last Spring I heard him speak at a couple Raw Food events and he was a charmer. As a person whom trains in public speaking he had it down for these events.
In essence his philosophy to eat raw is aligned with a higher truth it's just all his products that you have to have for health are simply not necessary. In fact I purchased his book called "Eating for Beauty" and it was basically rather shallow. Didn't come close to the depth of information available here on this forum & website
It's odd because I met Wolfe in the early 90's when he had just written his 1st book. He seemed to have it right with the "Sunfood System". Over the years he's had to create a means to make a living and that turned into superfoods.
Certainly he has helped a lot of people wake up to reality of their dead food diets but he only seems to skim the surface. If one needed to actually cure something like cancer I doubt he could seriously help.
He would love to get his hands on your products MH. He would have a field day with your sprays as an addition to his line. I seriously hope that day does not come because he in my opinion has sold out for his financial needs. In fact I appreciate the way you MH are so down to earth about money and healing in general. It's a breath of fresh air amongst a corrupt empire of charlatan's in the alternative health movement.
It appears to be a fine line between making a living through right livelihood and selling out. As if it can happen quite suddenly despite one's original intention. I do believe Wolfe has good intentions he just got caught up with expanding too quickly and had to pay his bills somehow. Coming from a family with 2 medical doctors for parents now wonder he is an over achiever!