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Re: This fast is making me upset!!! Day 15

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

INDYSURFN Views: 1,467
Published: 16 y
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Re: This fast is making me upset!!! Day 15

Way to go! Both of you! Want to try something neat? For 9-19 dollars you can go to a health store even GNC may have it, and buy some Ketone strips. Ketone strips will tell you how on FIRE your metabolism is! You just put it in the urine stream wait 60 seconds and compare to a color code just like a PH balance color code except bland colors. Eighty (80) is active 160 is HOT! 240 is on fire! By day five you should be ON FIRE!!! Also it will let you have a base for when you go off the fast. When you start eating you will see that it drops almost off the scale. But by the 6th week (if you fast for 21-22 days depending on which of the two books I read was correct) you should see your metabolism mysteriously catch on fire AGAIN! Once you eat too much for too many days (like I did) it will die off. But still it is neat. Plus you will know if maybe you want to talk to a natural doctor about your metabolism if after the fast you don't have a health one. Anyway awesome! Do you know how many people I have tried to talk into trying a water fast? Despite them seeing me going from a fat guy that lived at the gym to a shapely 46 year old that mostly just play sports for fun, and don't live at the gym anymore. They think it is a will power thing, I tell them only the first 3 days then 2 more kind though days then down hill ( on the appetite part ). It is great to see such things from more people, I hope it catches on from people that are watching you. And you can talk trash back to the people that say your crazy, or as they told me "YOUR GONNA DIE!". I even had some doctors tell me I will starve after 3 yes THREE days of just drinking water. Two of them very religious! Talk about not paying attention while reading! I’m a humble guy but I did a little trash talking to one who was a tennis partner!!! Lol. Don’t get me wrong one MD actually said it is the healthiest thing a person can do so not all or ignorant, and make snap judgements. Sorry I jumped all over the place but this is my subject. Keep it up!


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