Edit by Moreless: As may be seen from the below info some folks will say anything to Sell Poison to unsuspecting folks ! End.
Xylitol as a cavity busting agent!
"Xylitol has been shown to improve breath odor, retard loss of tooth enamel, reduce infections in the mouth and nasopharynx, and relieve dry mouth. It is safe for diabetics and hypoglycemics. Xylitol does not encourage growth of yeast, including Candida albicans. In contrast to ordinary sugar, xylitol increases the absorption of B-vitamins and calcium. Xylitol enjoys wide acceptance in Japan, Finland, and the Scandinavian countries. In the Soviet Union it has been used for decades as a sweetener for diabetics, and in Germany in solutions for intravenous feeding." http://roseofsharonacres.com/tooth_chips___soap_for_teeth?gclid=CIapovzkuZgCF...
this web site copied everything from toothsoap.com. They even quote the same book from Dr Judd and info about fluoride. How tacky and classless. Not that I agree with their take on xylitol but I thought that they are pretty brazen in copying everything from another web site.