Re: hypothyroid from too much iodine?
No, please read read read since you started the
Iodine (I started my
Iodine on a low dose but read as much as I could get my eyes on for the next three solid weeks!)
I find I still get "behind" on the reading...heck, I'll bet I missed a lot just not being able to read from HERE for the last few days.
Anyhoo, I do remember that within the first several months of research from the
Iodine research project itself, that the hypothyroidism DOES fluctuate back and forth within that first few months. I still dip into hypothyroidism (after two years) only because I am still detoxing - mostly mercury, because I had 14
Amalgams removed just over a year ago - it takes a few years for that.
Your body NEEDS iodine. Period. As to your own dosing? Please read read and read some more! Lots of links here: read from the FAQs page: which is also accessible from the clickable word "iodine" in my first sentence above^!