--Magnesium Connection--
Hi Ya'll,
Maybe I can shed some Light on this subject, so that more people may learn "WHY"
it is important to take a small pinch of Epsom Salt with each meal?
First, let us consider that the air which we breath consist of approx. 78%
Nitrogen, and Nitrogen is what forms Protein!
Now, that is a "LOT" of Nitrogen, any way you want to cut the pie, so to speak!
So, with this Hugh amount of Nitrogen being in the air which we breath all of
the time, then our body must have a way to get rid of this Hugh amount of
Nitrogen from our body, because "IF" the body is not able to get rid of most of
this Nitrogen, then this Nitrogen Displaces the "OXYGEN" and when this happens
and our Blood does not have "ANY" "OXYGEN", then just how long do you suppose
we are going to stay alive???
So, our Creator provided us with something which would act as a Relief Valve in
our body to help Regulate this High amount of Nitrogen in the air which we
What is a relief Valve?
Could it be something as "SIMPLE" as anything which Relieves the Pressure?
So, just what can Releive the pressure of too much Nitrogen?
Guess what?
It just so happens that this is an element called "Magnesium" !
Now where do we get Magnesium in our food?
What foods are Highest in Magnesium?
It just so happens that the Green Leafy Vegetables are the Highest in magnesium,
in the form of chlorphyll!
So, "IF" we do not eat Green Leafy Vegetables each and every day, then just
where do we think we are going to get enough Magnesium to help our body to
regulate the Excess Nitrogen in our body?
Do you just suppose that this may be one of the reasons "WHY" I have reccomended
for a person to take a small pinch of Epsom Salt in water with each meal ?
The Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulfate, so it may provide our body extra Magnesium
and in a very cost effective manner!
Now, "IF" we have more Money than what we may have "COMMON SENSE" to know how
to spend it, then we may pay High prices for other forms of magnesium "IF" this
is the boat we wish to float!
But, "IF" we would like to use our hard earned Cash for other enjoyments in
Life, then we may just use the Lowly Epsom Salt to help us solve our
By taking the Epsom alt, this may help solve the problems which people seem to
have with poor Digestion, which means that they are having Constipation
This Epsom Salt, may cause the body to be able to Relieve the Extra pressure
from too much Nitrogen in the body, by acting like a Relief valve to get rid of
the excess Nitrogen from the body!
It is the Liver and the Kidneys which must have the Magnesium to be able to
complete this job of removing the Excess Nitrogen from the body!
Without the Magnesium, the Liver and the Kidneys can not work properly and this
may cause them to become Sick and Diseased, and then they can not work for our
body and the rest of our body becomes Sick and Diseased as well!
Isn't it amazing how our Creator designed the body to work, "IF" we would just
learn how to eat properly so as to give our body a fighting chance to stay
Cause and Effect !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.