FRUSTRATED! CONFUSED! Is there a better way?
Hi all,
Super frustrated over here...
I have Candida...Adrenal Fatigue...PMS...Hormonal Migraines...Anxiety...Congested Liver..Chemical Sensitivity. A MESS!
I am OK with the diet but TIRED of supplements and between ALL the conflicting information, I'm taking good stuff one day and then bad stuff the next (i.e. read somewhere TO take multi, cal / mag, etc.; then read other places that candida LOVES your multi, B complex, cal / mag and FEEDS off it).
What is GOOD for Adrenal Fatigue is BAD for Candida, etc., etc. Furthermore, I read someplaces to attack my candida FIRST, and then other places to attack my LIVER first! CONFUSED!
How do we know what's right...and I've already spent over $2000 on tests / doc visits, I can't afford to spend more. These supplements are $$$ and between my liver already having a hard time w/ things, I feel like it is inherently NOT right for me to be taking a bunch of supplements b/c I really feel that I am lost as to what is actually "right" to take since I have a bunch of different things.
Is there ANYONE who has healed themselves of Candida through DIET and LOADS of FRESH VEGETABLE JUICES, plus exercise / yoga / tai chi / chi gong, etc.? You know, healing the old fashioned way, so to speak - even if it takes longer?