16 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: (UN)Safe water fast 100 days
Um, a 100 day fast does seem a tad excessive for a first time unsupervised fast. The mormon woman who was reported to have lost that weight was medically supervised on her 90 day fast and lost 150
pounds in that period, which is 10
pounds more than what you weigh. She was still obese at the end of it.
Assuming your figures are accurate, if you want to get back to a healthy 13% body fat, you only need to lose 25
pounds so that works out at 25 days fasting total. Your BMI will then drop to around BMI 17 I should imagine, and come back up to the slim 18.6 which is what you were at 115 pounds. Currently your BMI is 22.6.
Of course the other way to decrease % fat is by increasing bone and muscle, and exercise is the only way to do this. Exercise will also help with depression.
Think about the pros and cons of everything, and decide what's best for you. You might want to kick start the changes by fasting then re-asses later. As Donn says, you should rest when fasting.