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[epilepsycured] Raw Foods and Health
I try to eat about 50% of my foods Raw. I have been very impresed with its health benefits. I have gone to meetings of Raw Foods support groups in New York City organized by HEAL (Healing Aids Action League) and the Coalition for Health Reeducation. They have many people who are working on treating their severe phusical conditions ranging from AIDS to Cancer including kidney diseases and others. All of the people I heard had some degree of success amd were working towards being fully on a RAW FOODS DIET. Very often they would indicate the felt sick any time they slipped and ate cooked foods.Most of the people ere from 60-100% on Raw Foods.
It is a very well known fact that
Arthritis is thought to often be a diseaese of cooked foods.If you have arthritis, it is very simple to give it a try. Can't hurt--can it. Speaking of arthritis, if you go on a
Water Fast and you see the artgritis improves, you have proven--that FOOD is the cause!
Now you have to track back and re-introduce ONE food at a time to see which one(s) are the offending foods.
There is very strong scientific theory behind this Raw Foods effect. Back in the 1920's Dr.Paul Kouchikoff of the Institut of Chemistry studied the blood of people who had just eaten cooked as opposed to raw foods. He found that after eating cooked foods the body Increased its level of white blood cells, indicating the immune system sensed a "foreign invader". The level of white blood cells did not increase after raw food consumption. If both were eaten at the same time the white blood cell count did not rise.
An Article on this "The influence of food cooking on the blood formula of man" was in the Journal of the National Academy of Research Biochemists, 1992;1216:1547-1549
The Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research , Milwaukee,Wisconsin 53201
Report #101
Arnold Gore
Consumers Health Freedom Coalition