Thanks Badfungi. By the way, is your badfungi gone because I have yet to shake my athletes foot on hand and foot. How did you do it? It is a son of a b&*%. I am hoping this ionic detox bath will knock it out. The hand seems to be worsened while I'm on Humaworm, but maybe it is just getting kicked out of the system and seeking refuge in the exremities. Anyway, I actually have the exact battery. I am going to give it a whirl with a couple of extra large frying spoons and see how it works. I was also thinking that if you got two heavy stainless steel pan handles and unscrewed them in order to put them in the water, they would work as well. With both options I'll know right away if I see the bubbling and whirring after the Sea Salt is added. I would have to put them about 1/2 inch apart. Maybe I'll get to this this week.