adrenal fatigue and allergy to B-complex
Hello Dr. Lam
I have had adrenal fatigue for the past 7 or so years. I had been doing quite well,mostly taking many of the supplements you recommend on your site.
Two months ago, I broke out with Psoriasis. Since then, B complex or any B vitamin alone, such as B6, makes the psoriasis worse. I also get a feeling of ear inflammation when I take these B vitamins.(All the B vitamins I take, by the way, are yeast free. I realize this is important as there is a strong link between yeast (candida) and psoriasis.
What do you think I should do? I'm worried about stopping the B complex, as it seems to be such an important part of the adrenal healing protocol. Yet if I keep at it, the psoriasis gets worse.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Is liver a good source of vitamin B-complex, in the event that I have to stop the B-complex?