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Treating constipation with flax seed
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Treating constipation with flax seed

The Benefits Of Flax Seed In Treating Constipation
Dealing with digestive tract problems is a diffcult issue, especially when it comes to constipation. One solution maybe to increase the intake of fiber. One of the best sources of fiber is flax seeds.
The Benefits Of Flax Seed In Treating Constipation
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Having any type of digestive tract problem is very uncomfortable and painful for any person. Some people have the sad affliction of suffering with chronic digestive tract problems that are difficult to control and difficult to live with. One problem that is not often talked about but is a very real problem is constipation. This problem may not seem like a big deal to some one who has never had to deal with it but it is a very uncomfortable and harmful situation for a person to deal with. Untreated constipation can result in bowel impaction and can require surgical intervention when it becomes severe. Other problems that can occur with constipation are things such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures or prolapse.

It is important for anyone who suffers with this problem to find adequate and efficient ways of relief that will prevent complications and pain from occurring. Doctors usually recommend that people with constipation need to increase fluid intake, increase physical activity and most importantly increase fiber intake. A very beneficial way to increase fiber in the diet is for a person to have an intake of flax seed. Flax seed, otherwise known as linseed, is a very beneficial supplement in the diet that will not only help the digestive tract to function well but will provide other benefits to the human body.

How Flax Seed Works To Relieve Constipation

Flax seed is a very compact fiber that is very effective. The term fiber when used in terms of digestion suggests that the substance is not digested or broken down as it moves through the intestinal tract. Because it is not broken down the flax seed or other fibers make the stool bulkier and easier for the body to move by the action of peristalsis. With the bulky stool and an adequate fluid intake the person is able to eliminate wastes through the bowels more efficiently and constipation is prevented. Without adequate fiber intake of such items as flax seed the stool is smaller and clumpy making more difficult to move through the intestines.

Why Flax Seed Is Best

There are many types of fiber a person can use to aide in the efforts to relieve constipation but flax seed has proven itself to be one of the best fibers for the human diet that has been found. The reason this is so is because flax seed will not only prevent and treat the constipation but it has many other health benefits as well. Flax seed is rich in oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to help in several areas of body functioning. One important discovery of Omega-3 fatty acids is that by having an adequate intake of it in a diet a person will have reduce cholesterol and less incidence of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been linked with a reduction of many types of cancer. Flax seed may also help in the treatment of diabetes by stabilizing the blood sugar levels. The studies in this area are not complete but it is surely something well worth investigating. A person who takes flax seed for constipation will also have these other benefits making flax the best fiber choice.

Who Should Use Flax Seed

Of course, any person who is thinking of adding a supplement to their diet should consult their physician. Flax seed should not be contraindicated for the average person but some people may find that they do not tolerate the fiber well. Most people, even those without chronic constipation, will find that they have great results in taking the flax seed not only functioning of the heart and other organs of the body. It is well worth trying as the benefits are only just beginning to surface in the scientific world.

Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Omega3 Flaxseeds Blog. For more helpful information about Omega3 Flaxseeds visit


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