Well thanks for the article but we need to know how to protect ourself from damage to the soil and air. So what I mean, do we wash veggies or do we import water from America or do we just drink juice? The pain and the cancers will come and they are here already. Jordan has a huge population of illness and people in pain. Our faith and belief allows us to believe it is for a reason but it is hard to watch a nation and people you love suffer. I was so heartbroken when my friend asked me for help. She is looking to save her family. When I told her about Newport she told me to please ask him for help, because we just don't know how to handle this.
Call me stupid, but I just did not realize this was going on so now I must study, and become professional so to help people. I can be the one with the knowledge. This will affect the world as my article shows eventually it will spread like the cancers across all nations. So if it can spread to America it can definitely spread back to Israel and I wait for this day.