--Absolutes of the Real world--
Hi Ya'll,
Absolutes are part of the One True God's Creation !
Examples: Day vs Nite !
With Day having sunshine and Nite having the Moon !
Summer with Warmer weather and Winter with Colder weather !
A cook stove with a Hot surface to cook food on and a Refrigerator with a Cold
insides to keep our food Cold so that it does not spoil !
The sunshine to Heat the earth by Day and the Darkness to Cool the earth by Nite
Just go to the Desert and sit out in the open for 24 hours in the Buff and it
will make you a Believer in Hot and Cold, because in the Day time you may become
very Hot and at nite you may become very Cold ?
Take a look at a Lead Acid battery and you may see that it has a Positive post
and also a Negative post !
Check out the earth, for it has a North pole and a South pole !
Anyone who does not believe in Absolutes may be Anti-God ?
Because God has established Absolutes !
"WHY" do the Universities nowdays teach this Garbage to students that there is
no Absolutes ?
Could it be because the Teachers have become Deceived by the Devil himself ?
Maybe it is because the Intellectuals would then have to answer to a Higher
Power and they have gotten too Big of a Head to want to do this, so they have
enjoyed becomming Decieved by "Satan" the Devil himself, into believing they are
somebody Great, thus do not want to believe in Absolutes, because then they
would not be so Great ?
Professors do not believe Absolutes, because they would be Judged for their
"False" ideas and they do not want this to happen !
But, if there are "NO" Absloutes, then there could not be Sickness and Disease !
And anyone in their right mind can look around and see "ALL" the Sick and Dieing
folks in the world today !
If No Hot or Cold, then No Sickness and Disease !
Could these folks be in Utter Darkness, who Teach this Nonsense !
One cannot be Healed in Utter Darkness !
Could it be a problem of these kind of thinking folks may be in the physical
light of the sunshine, but in Mental Darkness because their thoughts are Utter
Darkness ?
Could this be "WHY" there is so much Sickness and Disease in the world today ?
God even gave some very Important Absolutes for mankind to learn about in his
Good Book !
The Positive Absolutes are the Fruits of the Spirit !
Galatians chapter 5 starting with verse 22: The Fruits of the Spirit are: Love,
Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance;
against these there is No Law to judge and condem us by .
If we are led by these, we are not under the Law !
Then we have the "Opposite" and Negative, which is the Works of the Flesh !
Galatians chapter 5 verse 19: The works of the Flesh are Adultery, Fornication,
Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Haterd, Variance, Emulations,
Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies, Envings, Murders, Drunkenness, Revellings,
and the such of which, they who choose to do these things shall not inherit the
kingdom of God !
But, if you be led by the Fruits of the Spirit, then you are not under the Law !
Now we come to the part where each of "US" has a choice to make, as to which
road we choose to walk and thus may determine what end Results we may get !
Do "WE" Seek and want Health and Happiness, then "WE" had Better Learn to choose
to walk the road of the Fruits of the Spirit !
Otherwise "WE" are going to Fall down into the road of the Works of the Flesh
and find Unhappiness and Sickness and Diseases and finally Death !
As time permits I shall try to share the connection of what the Fruits of the
Spirit may relate to the many Different Good things in Life !
And also about the many Evil things that the Works of the Flesh Result in !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.