16 y
? about skin soaps, personal products and solvents
Hi everyone,
One of the big topics on here is solvents that makes the covering on the parasite eggs hatch inside the colon and leave us with parasites inside the body. Soaps are solvents, so what do people out there recommend to use for personal products like body soap and shampoo? The reason I am asking is because I have seen health food store products with harmful chemicals in their shampoos. I use pure, essential oils for a lot of things, and the company I get these from does have lotions and shampoos that are safe, however quite expensive. Can we do things ourselves outside of MLM companies? Health food stores do have hand-made soaps for those who don't want to get into making them themselves. We can always use baking soda and salt for toothpaste and bypass any harmful chemicals like sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate, fluoride, and the like. The chemical sprays we stay away from and petrolleum distillates like gasoline, kerosene, paint thinners, and so on, are obvious to most of us as solvents. This is quite a large subject and it's probably one that entails lots of personal research to find products out there that do not contain harmful chemicals. Maybe this is too big a subject to post here. Doc's has stated on his CD that food additives with long, chemical names we need to stay away from. We don't want to put things on our bodies that can be absorbed thru the skin, either, that can cause problems with either chemical poisons or parasites. We still find ourselves living in a contaminated world. Any suggestions other than doing lots of personal research and/or making up our own soaps and shampoos?