Letter To NY Times on AIDS editorial
Letter To NY Times on AIDS editorial
Once again the NYTtimes is crusading to get everyone. especially poor blacks in South Africa on Highly Toxic Anti-Tetroviral drugs similar to AZT and Protease inhibitors. The times reasoning is, if we decreased the price of the poison you should take why all the stubborn resistance. To show how fair we are we even give it to Americans although thank God most of the recipients aren't in the white upper and middle classes, although once in a while we have to sacrifice them to make it look fair-EG Ryan White and Kimberly Bergalis. My letter follows which probably won't be published.
The New York Times
229W. 43rd Street
New York,NY 10036
720 Fort
Washington Avenue
New York,NY
June 22,2001
To The Editor:
Your Editorial "South Africa's Failure on AIDS" June 21 exhibits the consequences of your misplaced faith in the accepted theory that HIV causes AIDS and if you somehow block HIV you will control AIDS.
Have you ever given a thought to the possibility that in the unsuccessful war on AIDS, just maybe the accepted assumptions are wrong?
A number of highly respected scientists specializing in molecular biology and retroviruses, including Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis and Peter Duesberg have found this theory insupportable by scientific research, which few understand.
You are really asking South African decisionmakers who have done their homework to give pregnant women a drug acknowledged in the Physicians Desk Reference to cause severe birth defects and bring standard retardation to a high proportion of the population in a theoretical attempt to stop not even AIDS but the HIV virus.
Does this really make sense?
Arnold Gore onsumers Health Freedom Coalition