Interesting instructions for a bath with MMS...
Here are Jim Humbles instructions for taking a bath in
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
[quote=Jim Humble]
"To start, be sure your bathtub is very clean so the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement solution won't have to clean your bathtub instead of you.
Mix your
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement Solution as usual with one exception. You are going to use double the usual amount of 10%
citric acid solution because you want the MMS to work in a shorter period of time than it does when you drink it. (20 minutes rather than 2 hours)
Mix 20 drops MMS and 200 drops of 10%
citric acid solution (3 US tablespoons) in a glass. Wait 3 minutes. After 3 minutes pour into your hot bath water and swirl to mix well. Never drink this mixture.
It doesn't matter how much water you use in your bath, but don't add soap or anything else to your water. Just the activated MMS solution.
While you're doing your 20-minute soak, be sure all parts of your body have been exposed to the bath water, including your face -- it won't harm your eyes. Massage it into your scalp.
As your water begins to cool, add more hot water. (Heat relaxes the pores and follicles, providing better absorption.
One site claims that after your third bath, skin moles may begin to crumble. If you have a history of cold sores, be sure your MMS water is rubbed repeatedly onto the places of your skin where they have appeared in the past.
One person who tried this says, "I can tell you the main thing I've noticed so far is how flipping clean my bathtub has become!" You may, however, notice a few creepy crawlies being eliminated and that's a good thing!"
[end quote]
I am amazed that Jim Humble doesn't understand dilution. He says it doesn't matter how much water you put in. It also goes without saying that he doesn't understand proper activation either, but I think we have know that for some time now.
If we have a tub that holds 50 gallons of water, the 20 drop solution will end up with a concentration of ClO2 of about 0.8 PPM. On the other hand, if our tub holds 70 gallons of water, the concentration is reduced to 0.6 PPM ClO2.
I believe this is the first time Jim Humble came up with a solution in the 1 PPM range, and it actually works out to that.
I agree that there would be no nausea involved with soaking in this solution, but this brings up an interesting question... If less than 1 PPM chlorine dioxide is effective for soaking, why does Jim Humble insist on having people drink a solution that contains about 950 PPM chlorine dioxide?
I would have thought that the external topical solution would have been a little stronger. I wonder if Jim Humble has any test data on this...