Re: FASTING: The Formula For ALL Life
This article touches me in a deep place as my fast continues to reveal some of what you share. The most challenging thing of all on this fast has been the lack of Sunshine. Just as the article describes Seattle is void of enough sunlight.
Since moving here 4.5 years ago I have struggled with this. It is Green, with clean air, lovely ocean Mt. views and there is a peaceful quality of life but without the Sun I have no idea how people stay here. It really doesn't rain all that much contrary to popular belief but it stays gray for weeks!
After 14 years in the tropics clearly I cannot pretend living this way is normal anymore. Being attuned to nature means living where the fruits keep growing year round. Where the sun shines and swimming is a daily activity.
This idea that play is an important part of life keeps echoing in my whole being and I cannot deny the calling. All the signs have been pointing to my returning to the Islands. Fasting gives this clarity of mind where the calm shows how we've been compromising our truth.
Yes fasting is giving oneself the true gift of love. The courage to heal and create what you really want for your life. A return to balance indeed.