Uh, Yeah, Thanks
Let me get this straight:
"The only thing needed is to stop postponing being responsible." - So I'll be responsible, just not when it comes to knowing how to eliminate radio waves.
"become absolutely familiar with who you are" - Ok, I'm human.
"The root problem of all problems is mind itself" - Ok, no more using my mind for me.
My mind will become like a bowl. Not the material the bowl is made of, but the empty space it creates. Or like a house. Not the material that makes up the house, but the empty space it creates. Or like a song. Not the notes that make the up the song, but the silence between the notes.
"The second thing: the thoughts exist separate from you" - Ok, my thoughts aren't mine, so would you want a few? I have a few to spare.
"awareness becomes your citadel" - Ok, I must be aware, I just can't be aware of how to block radio waves, even if they don't come from Project Blue Beam. I get it.
Now I realize that was "(Excerpted from: Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Discourse #2 by OSHO)" In my book God, Buddha or The Tao helps those who help themselves. There must be a reason you keep posting these excerpts to me. My questions is why?
"To beat around/about the bush is to beat such that no birds are flushed, so that none are caught: a lot of beating and no eating."