Re: My symptoms
I also have the same symptoms and recently went to a doctor who told me to do the following. Note I was diagnosed with mercury and lead intoxication a few years ago. Also note, Beethoven had body and breath odor. He was diagnosed with 60 times the level of lead. So we're in good company.
limbic breathing while soaking my feet in hydrogen peroxide and
Epsom Salts (20 minutes both done at the same time)
3 gargles- 1st oil pulling with organic sesame seed oil, first thing in the morning
2nd H202 (food grade only) in 4
oz of water, nystatin (1/3 of a caps) at bedtime.
I am also taking nystatin twice per day
diet is really important (no
Sugar at all!!!!) I've been eating raw, but cooked is okay.
castorcize - exercise with castor oil on the liver and abdomen 2 hours 3 times per week
DMSA 100 mg with ALA 100mg plus supplement that contains chlorophyll, cilantro and chorella.
Protein powders 1-2 tablespoons,and 1 -2 tablespoons ground flax seeds and 1 tablespoon of lethicin with veggie juice in the morning and TONS OF CLEAN WATER like 96
oz per day.