16 y
Re: Best Oxygen Machine
Can you tell me what's the best ozone machine to buy? I need it for vaginal & rectal insufflation and water. I'm considering the one by Longevity Resources here:
Is that good or is there another I should consider?Is it worth the money - around $1500?
I have an old one that I liked but I wore it out. The guy who sold it
to me has an old one that has not been used (at first he implied it was lightly used, then not used), and he'll trade my old one for this at $500. However it's just 20 mcg at 1/4 liter per minute. Very weak.
After that one I purchased a Synergy machine on ebay. It's been problematic for me. It's crazy strong and the most I can do is 5 minutes of vaginal insufflation. Any more and I swell up and burn like crazy. The nob doesn't make a difference and the guy I bought it from won't support it. The person from Longevity said they bought one from this guy for their engineer to test, out and it's putting out toxins because of the materials inside it. They knew his name and said they told him about it. I've suspected as much because it causes problems, which my old one never did.
I'd be grateful for any advice on what to look for, and I'd appreciate feedback the machines you're all using.