Re: Shower filters
so a "filter" captures chlorine from water? i am sure a scientist can find chlorine in water once it was added, no matter what has been done, even if it was distilled, etc. that is why the water book claims science can find upwards of 70,000 of the common chemicals used in manufacturing today, within about any ground water source.
i tried all types of filtration years ago and i use to change the water filters at the factory i worked for almost 30 years, because if i didn't change them, they didn't get changed.
in theory, if the water filter works, the next day it will work less and then less and then less. in the accumulated chlorine/chemicals within that filter does contaminate all water passing through that filter.
so today, many water softners and water systems use a "back flush" system and no removable filters as a way to remove minerals/dirt, etc...the fanciest ones inject air into the water as a way to trap the plants we commonly call rust.
dr. hulda clark wrote:
change what ever filter your using every 30 days.
i can agree with that one.