Over the past month I have had this fluttering or really it feels like bubbling right in the middle of my chest. It is right under my sternum between my breasts along my esophogus I guess. Like the fish flopping you mentioned. It started happening once in a while late at night while I was laying down and it would only happen once quickly, like a blub, blub, blub, and go away (did you feel like this?). Didn't think it was my heart, cause isn't the heart kind of off to your left a bit? Now it is happening at any time of day, no more than once a day if that.
I keep thinking it will go away but I guess I should go see a doctor. I just can't think of what it would be. It is not my stomach and doesn't feel like heartburn or my heart. Doesn't hurt, doesn't race my heart or cause any discomfort. Just a very wierd feeling. I had a full physical last year and all my bloodwork was normal. I'm 38.