Newport, do I dare?
Add the 3rd round of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever homeopathic series while I'm also taking the Lyme series? It might be too much to do them together, but I didn't have too bad of reaction from just it by itself. RMSF is supposed to be able to be kept in check with the Olive Leaf, and I've done 2 of the one month series for it- but it's still showing in muscle testing. Maybe I'm not right, but I'm thinking they all need to be hit together. (The Lyme's has Borrelia B, Babesia, and Ehrlichia)
Also, I asked this before but I'm still trying to figure it out for myself and would like to know what you think about it...
Would it interfere with the homeopathics if I am also doing the other things at the same time that are supposed to target them too? For example, the B.E, herbs like Cat's Claw, the salt/Vitamin C, Noni--or would it target them better by doing them all at the same time??
It says in the info on the site for the Deseret Biologicals homeopathic series kits--to not take raw garlic while taking them.
BTW--I got L-Carnitine a while back (you'd mentioned it for chelating)...ugh--another one that came out whole, undissolved. I need to get a better one, I just got it off the drug store shelf. I was reading on the L-Lysine bottle, that the two work together.