Morals all are powers--cauchy3
Moral all are powers..
Peoples’ seats are free as rights.
Leaders sit at sterns are off to lead.
Leads on powers china leaders mad are mad.
Leads in morals go as logos.
Lead in power gets my sinks.
Pales are peoples all are tools.
Two diverted on ways are morals and natures.
Anti-moral gets my natures.
Anti-natures all may instill as morals.
Morals all as powers gambled as laws.
People born to being all controlled or giving controls are worlds.
All controllers come as men to scenes or scenes to men.
Wrong traditions all are wrong controls.
All intense controls are morals all to some.
All to govern needs the controls.
Anti some traditions we will Com-part our lives.
Cauchy3 compare my notes to you.
Who is whose controls which handle all.
We subdued by laws and logical reasons.
Or we are knocked down all as kicking off by traditions also morals.
------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------