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A sure fire can't miss winner I tell you
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,331
Published: 16 y
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A sure fire can't miss winner I tell you

You seriously should Deww.  You already have a buttload of blog items you could post from just copying what you have posted here.  All the liberal democrat trashing would go over big time - just look at Limbaugh.  The sexy Sarah posts would be big hits.  And you would have enough controversy to get attention.  Everybody that gets pizzed off who comes to debate you or see what outrageous things you have said is more clicks and more moolah.  Just look at two opposites - Rush and Howard Sterns - they are huge. And who knows, you might get noticed and syndicated.

Do a Google Search for "Google Adsense Tips" or "Google Adsense Strategy".  Go look at Google's own Advice Forum.  You will find multiple people telling you what to do to make the thousands a day they do.  You might even spend a few coins and hire a needy nerd at a bargain rate from the suppressed IT section who can optimize your site for you and give advice.  Why so many of those nerds don't get in on Google themselves is beyond me.  But then, many of them have no clue how to write entertaining material.

Remember Rush's huge success with his America Held Hostage schtick during the Carter administration? You could title your site something like The Obama-Nation - The Change that is Killing America or some such.

Boy oh boy do you owe me!




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