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Seb derm- 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione actually is the cure.

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crazylife4 Views: 36,302
Published: 16 y

Seb derm- 0.25% Zinc Pyrithione actually is the cure.

Hi everyone! This is a follow up to the honey posting. Forgive the long trial and error, but my son's face is totally healed now and has been for weeks. So here is what really works. I no longer believe that SD is a fatty acid metabolism problem. It is purely a fungal infection but you have to know which fungus and what specifically will kill it.
If you have a diagnosis of SD you will know that there are many sites that say it is caused by Pitisporum Ovale, they are incorrect. SD is caused by Malassezia Globosa.

I read a study that zinc pyrithione kills Malassezia Globosa, so I also purchased a 0.25% zinc pyrithione spray called "Z Care" by supplement on the net. It took forever for them to ship it, but it works. Once you know the exact cause, you have a better chance of fighting what ever it it is. My son could not tolerate Head & Shoulders on his face whatsoever, but the "Z care" spray doesn't burn as long as you wait 10 min after you wash your face. It took about 2 months to completely heal him. A note of caution, if the SD is all around the nose area, consider applying the zinc pyrithione carefully to the inner rims of of the nostrils. I just use a q-tip to appply anything to his face anyway. Don't spray the spray near your face, spray the Q-tip first.

Read the study:

Order "Z care lotion":

Only order one bottle. My bottle is still almost full.

Here are the specific recommendations:

1.) Wash- Wash areas gently, non-soap cleanser would be best. If skin is sensitive just go to the hydrogen peroxide step.
2.) Hydrogen peroxide- Wipe areas with hydrogen peroxide (use cotton ball)
3.) Honey- If the skin is inflamed and sensitive, use honey to heal, (apply with Q-tip and leave on for as long as possible, yes, even sleep in it if you can.) If your skin is not open or raw, skip the honey and go directly to treatment with Zinc Pyrithione.
4.) Zinc Pyrithione- "Z care" spray onto a Q-tip and apply to areas, let your skin rest 10-15 minutes after washing, Z Care has alcohol and may burn if the pores are open.
5.) Try Head and Shoulders Shampoo rubbed into the areas and let sit for as long as you can, (30 min?) every day or every other day. (watch for sensitivity and be ready to wash off immediately.)
6.) Wash Hair with Head & Shoulders, but let sit on the head for as long as possible. You can lather and wrap your hair in plastic wrap and leave on for an hour or so)
7.) Treat your animals for Malezzia. I am certain my son caught it from a kitten we have that seems to have a lot of dandruff.

Treatment with the Z Care was continued for 3 weeks longer after the last white patches were gone. My son has not been treated for about two weeks now and his skin is perfectly normal. This really was the cure for him.

Good Luck!


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