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Re: The coming Die off of Bad Business
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,258
Published: 16 y
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Re: The coming Die off of Bad Business

Here's your conflict of interest when it comes to regulation:

In any given year over 50% of the top managers who leave the FDA end up being employed by the very drug companies they are supposed to regulate.  Not coincidentally, the last two FDA directors left office in a cloud of scandal for accepting illegal gifts from those same companies.  One of them just happened to backdoor approve Aspartame on his way out and ended up working for . . .  you got it, the company that makes Aspartame.

Is it then any wonder why drug companies get free rides and the FDA fights to keep their products on the market even as the body count piles up while they make up their own definitions of what constitutes a drug (anything that implies health benefits for any medical condition - the most notorius example being Washington cherries) in order to suppress freedom of speech and persecute natural supplements to protect the drug companies from competition.

The same kind of "regulation" happens when it comes to regulating financial institutions and virtually any monied interests.

Our "free market" system is full of regulations and loopholes that benefit the monied elite.  For the most part, the answer is not more regulations, it is fewer regulations and a return to a constitutionally protected Republic which provides equal protection to all and favoritism to none.





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