Re: Itchy rash all over, no blisters, has occurred twice in the past year -- both times within 4 days of eating bread.
Can anyone help me here? Does this sound like celiac or just an "intolerance"? Do you think the rash is from the bread? Anyone have a similar experience?
You could have celiac and/or gluten intolerance. You could have a wheat or yeast allergy, or you could have all of the above. It's tough to tell--tests are a better way to figure it out. See the website to get a test kit for gluten intolerance/celiac. GI/celiac is nothing to mess around with and if you think you might have it you should take steps to find out for sure. A person who is GI/celiac and keeps eating it is at a much higher risk than someone who is not GI/celiac for getting colon cancer. Vitamin research group has a test you can take that will identify
food allergies , or you can go to an ND and they can run tests on you to send to a lab for determination of allergies to wheat (and yeast and other foods too).
I too had rashes from eating wheat and I when I stopped a lot of it went away ('cept the problem is I have more than just gluten intolerance, I have a handfull of
food allergies too so I still suffer from some rashes, just not as bad as when I was still eating wheat and gluten).