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Michelle...Carrot juice is priceless!

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
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kathryn101 Views: 1,790
Published: 21 y
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Michelle...Carrot juice is priceless!

Michelle...I couldn't believe it when I read your post. I could
NOT believe a doctor would say such a thing. I get his newsletter and had never read that. So I went to his website
and found it. He feels carrots have too high a Sugar content...
as well as beets. But I have seen people literally turn around
terminal situations using carrot juice.

If I had to juice for health and could use only ONE juice...
Carrots would be what I would keep. Many other things are soooo
good for you. But carrots are just good for overall health.
They are higher in sugar, but the good far outways the bad. Add
some give you cholorophyll, that's very healing...
beets are a good cleanser...but only use about 1/4 or less.

There's a post on here somewhere...wish I had looked it up first.
But this lady and her husband started juicing and eating healthy
and she tells about their weight loss after just one month...20lbs.
and how good they felt. Seems like her name was Sherry...and
her subject line said, "I'm as orange as the carrots I'm juicing"...that orange will go away..IF you do get it. But
they had remarkable results in a short period of time.
Good luck. juicing is about the fastest way to turn around
health problems. Anything you would need...just in
some kind of juice. :-) kathryn


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