Re: Herbal Eye Wash/comprehensive suggestions for any eye problem
This formula was put in a health newsletter and they got thousands of letters from people with all types of eye diseases writing to say they were cured of things like diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma and even blindness.
Dr Schulze says this convinced here that there were no incurable diseases when he went to apprentice with Dr Christopher when he saw a baby who was born with no optic nerve whose parents were told the baby would be blind all its life, yet he saw Dr Christopher heal the child with this formula.
Schulze sells it in his website or you can make it yourself.
On his website, under the readers questions and answers, he has one answer where he tells one how to use the eyewash (cant seem to link there but go to his site and click on education then in left corner of screen readers answers and questions and then on the bottom right (in the categories) click on by products and then eyebright formula
he also sells this under products.
He has since added another herb but the formula he used a few years ago and which the 1000's wrote in about is as follows
For best results, use organic or wildcrafted (grown in the wilds) herbs. Get them from health food stores that sell bulk herbs like whole foods or local health food stores. Often you can buy just an ounce of each which is very reasonably priced or search bulk herbs online and look for some bulk organic herbs.
You will need to make a tincture if you email me I can send you a link to his manual which will tell you how to make tinctures (or do an online search for how to make a tincture) also he has a chapter on eye diseases an it is in there too.
You use 80 proof vodka with the herbs to make a tincture. Then you follow Schulze's directions on how to use it in the eyes. Do it several times a day. you will also need a glass eyewash cup--some below said CVS sells them or look online.]
In addition, Schulze recommends you use the eyewash formula internally. If money is a problem you could get his formula which I feel his products are the best on the market for your eyes as you are using drops and make some for internal consumption to save money as that bottle won't last long if you don't..I make cups or mayo sized bottle at a time when making my own tinctures at 1/10th the cost of store tinctures. Plus they are better than most tinctures in stores when you make your own and they last many, many years.
In addition to using in the eyes and taking internally several times a day, do the following: take the brain herbs like ginkgo biloba (again organic tinctures are preferred for all herbs as organic is 7-10 times higher in the phytochemicals that cure and prevent disease and capsules are not a good way to take herbs as it is a dry powder and that that absorbable..tinctures go to directly to the bloodstream and the alcohol extracts more of the phytochemicals than say a tea a dry powder), other brain herbs to take are rosemary and cayenne. (cayenne btw is a catalyst herbs and thus makes any herbs it is taken with more effective. there was a study and people with dementia taking ginkgo well, 40 some percent got better but when the added cayenne with the ginkgo about 90 something got better. It also rings nutrients and oxygen to the organ and removes wastes. this is one of the purposes of the cayenne in the eye formula.
Don't worry, it wont hurt the eye and just stings a bit for a few minutes
in addition to taking the eyewash formula in the eyes and internally and the brain herbs, also take at least 3 cups of carrot juice and use a slant board once a day.
Schulze cautions that people expect an herb or eyewash to give them a miracle but that Christopher and him who got many miracles and cured the incurables used their herb formulas in a comprehensive health building program. He says one must detoxify to get better and get nutrition in, stop[ doing the things that hurt you and start doing the things that help and he also says to only use organic herbs in the eyes less you get the toxins in conventional herbs.
The formula for the eyewash is as follows:
one part of each of the following herbs:
bayberry bark, eyebright herb, goldenseal root, and red raspberry also add 1/8th part cayenne. he says to gradually up the cayenne go to 1/2 part next and then 3/4th part and then one part and up. He used 50 times the amount of cayenne in his clinic he says in his manual for the save your life program.
The cayenne does only good to the eyes..don't fear..I was scared to use it at one time until I accidentally got habanero peppers in my eyes while rubbing them while preparing a meal and cleaning the peppers. It was the first (and last) time I ever used them. But for one hour I could not open my eyes and it is a panicking time but eventually I could and afterwards, my eyes at first looked red which is the blood going to the surface and the pushing out of toxins but soon after they looked better than normal very clear and no permanent problem at all they were hundred so times higher in heat units than the cayenne in the formula so do not fear upping the cayenne if needed. Start gradually and look into dong his incurable program possibly.
Hope this helps. my aunt just told me tonight the cause of her failing eyesight is macular degeneration but was not open to what I had to say but I came here looking anyway and saw your post. May you and others consider doing this.
see this post as well